Robin Sharma – Hero Genius Legend Download
Hero Genius Legend
Hero Genius Legend By Robin Sharma
My review summed up:
I’ll be completely honest, when I first started this course I wasn’t sure I really liked it.
I was waiting for some profoundly complex answers to unlock the secrets to reaching the highest version of myself that never actually came.
But I was quickly reminded that it’s the simple yet powerful everyday habits and shifts in our thinking that really create the biggest impact in our lives.
In fact, I’d go as far as to say that if you adopt and stick to even 10% of what you learn in Hero Genius Legend, it’s going to be totally life-changing for you.
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Why I decided to do Hero Genius Legend
Are you ready to step into your “next level you”? I’d like to think I am.
But after seeing the course lasts 66 days and my first reaction being “oooh, that’s a bit too long”, made me realize that in fact my motivation probably does need a bit of a makeover.
After all, would the ‘next level me’ think 2 months was too much to sacrifice for total self-mastery. Probably not.
I’ve never felt a hugely driven person in many areas of my life. And I can’t quite work out if that is a big problem or not.
I do think so much of the striving we fall into doing in life can be a bit of an illusion and not necessarily the key to contentment.
Personally, a lot of material success or accaliads just don’t interest me that much. Although I certainly would never turn down a million dollars, the drive to have it certainly doesn’t make me jump out of bed in the morning.
But at the same time, contributing to society, improving myself and fulfilling my potential really does matter to me. Us humans would be nothing if it weren’t for those individuals who constantly set the bar higher in so many fields, and I am in total awe of them.
Have I been letting myself off because excellence is a bar set so high I feel unable or unworthy of reaching it?
I’ve often worried I just don’t have that fire in the belly that people who achieve greatness in life seem to have.
Could “Hero Genius Legend” help give me it?
What is Hero Genius Legend?
Hero Genius Legend is a Mindvalley program that aims to teach you the most important habits, techniques and skills to turn you into a “super performer at life”.
On first inspection, habit formation isn’t the sexiest of topics, but realistically it is the foundation that underpins most success.
We tend to think of those who reach the top as being total geniuses (some admittedly are) but actually most just worked damn hard to get there.
This program is called ‘Hero Genius Legend’, as that obviously sounds a lot more inspiring. But behind the very glamorous title, it could quite easily be called “Habits and Hard Wired Thought Patterns”.
Because these are the steady driving forces that actually push people towards their peak, rather than gladiatorial heroism.
For example, the course talks about research from Angela Duckworth which showed success is more to do with relentlessness and grit than natural talent.
Which I guess explains why occasionally you meet someone and you don’t at first glance necessarily understand what makes them “special” or how they managed to get where they are.
But it also probably means so many of us are inadvertently depriving the world of our talents, simply because we are missing the unyielding persistence to take them any further.
In lesson 7 when we were taking a look at goals, the course teacher Robin Sharma reminded us “You don’t get lucky, you make lucky.”
In short, this program wants to teach you how to make yourself luckier in life.
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